I did something I’ve never done before. I typed the word Thankfulness in my browser search bar, just to spark an idea. Now, I’ve looked up many words for quick access to Bible verses, but turning to the Internet for one word was new to me.
Thankfulness is an adjective that expresses appreciation of benefit or gratitude. A list of over 100 synonyms and antonyms popped up, as well as the title of a song album. Definitions from various sources were listed, as well as countless plaque and wooden sign decor to brighten a home.
I wondered, how thankful is the average person? I typed that question into the search bar. “How Grateful are Americans?” came up first. American gratefulness, yes, I was curious about that. Well, shoot. I didn’t read it because the post was written in 2013. Our times, they have changed.
The next heading was, “Ten Ways to be a More Thankful Person” and something about health. But I didn’t check it out. Thankful references and how to be a more thankful person showed as headings. The twelfth subject line read “30 best thankful Bible verses / gratitude Scripture quotes.”
This search raised the question, “Do I need to look for the meaning of thankful- or gratefulness?” Naturally, over the years, I’ve used my Bible concordance to seek specific words. Verses speak the deepest to my heart and mind. Back to the best Source, highly recommended.
My New American Standard fills one whole column on Thanksgiving and lists multiple references. Christ is our best example since He thanked His Father in heaven. Psalms, songs, and spiritual songs can’t help but fill our hearts with gratitude.
May I suggest you find a quiet spot, either gazing out the window or sitting outside. Search your heart for what you are thankful for. Write them down and praise our great God.
I know that the Lord is great,
that our Lord is greater than all gods.
I Am Thankful
I’m thankful for the morning
I’m thankful for the Bible
I’m thankful for family and home
I’m thankful for coffee
I’m thankful for health
I’m thankful for blessings
I’m thankful for the cross
I’m thankful for heaven
I’m thankful for Bible teachers
I’m thankful for prayer
I’m thankful for birdsong
I’m thankful for eyesight
I’m thankful for friends
I’m thankful for music
I’m thankful for words
I’m thankful for writing
I’m thankful for who I am
I’m thankful to be alive
I am thankful for it all.