Philippians 1:3-4 reads: I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all.
Just imagine greeting family and friends with “I thank my God for you.” The tone of that hello erases any prior thoughts of unresolved emotions or memories you may share. Such words are an expression of grace.
Grace is receiving favor we don’t deserve. Grace, given by the LORD God who created it, is accompanied by mercy. Grace and mercy are sister gifts. Mercy is not receiving consequences we do deserve.
Not one of us is sinless. We all deserve the penalty for our deeds, no matter how small (in the heart), or great (an outward action). Sin is sin in God’s eyes.
All I need do is look within myself and realize what the gift, the sacrifice Jesus took to the cross on my behalf, really means. It means eternity in heaven with Him rather than eternal torment of an unrepentant heart.
We need not look very far to see the condition of the world exposed to us in all its selfish hatred. We also need not let the ugliness get the best of us. Christians, those who have a personal relationship with Jesus, have an eternal hope the rest of the world lacks. And it makes all the difference in the world if we look on our blessings with grateful hearts.
Personal relationships are a blessing. God makes no mistake when he brings people into our lives. Whether for a season or a lifetime, each individual matters. The connection with another human being is a divine appointment. There is no mistake in whose family we were born into any more than what country we were birthed in. Friends enter our lives at ordained times. Preachers and teachers present truths of the Bible at times God chooses for us to hear.
I’ll close with a quote from David Jeremiah. “If you’re thankful for the love, grace, forgiveness, and longsuffering of God to you, extend these same graces to others in your life. Develop a heart that demonstrates the grace of gratitude. Don’t let the lessons of God’s blessings fall short of your passing them on to others.”
Thank You, my Heavenly Father. I give thanks with a grateful heart. I thank You for all the dear people You’ve brought into my life. I am beyond blessed to have so many more gifts than I deserve.
Happy Thanksgiving!