Oh, friends. How many of us are still in contact with our besties from before we graduated high school? I probably had best friends every six months during that time of my life.
What makes up a friend? Often, an immediate bond. Maybe a similar background, like beliefs, common interests. Writing friends “get me.” Christian sisters know me without going into explanation, and often, we are not strangers upon meeting.
Have you ever taken your friends for granted?
The term friend has changed with the influx of social media. And that world of technology changed again with the Covid pandemic lockdown. I’ve heard all my life that if a person had one good friend when he or she dies, that person was blessed.
Friends as in like-minded, book club readers, women’s Bible study at church, writers. And many of us who share the same publisher pray for one another, encourage one another, and call each other Christian sister as well as writer-friend. And then the really close ones who we meet for coffee or lunch and talk for over two hours.
A few I consider soul sisters—Frenchy, Steph, Carolyn, Delia, Sharon—sweet Christian sisters with the same outlook toward earthly events and eternity minded. I give thanks for the common bond of love through the Holy Spirit.
Come and gone were high school besties, my roommate in college, though Jeanne and I can pick up right where we left off. Come and gone at times when we were needed in each other’s life: Colleen, Karen, Kim, Yvonne.
I often think about the phrase from the Book of Esther, “For such a time as this.” People, especially friends, are in and out of our lives at specific times ordained by God. Thank You, Lord, for the beloved Christian sisters You have graced my life with.
Treasured words come from the Apostle Paul, who left an example of close friendship. He often expressed thankfulness for Christian brothers and sisters, sometimes listing them by name, in the opening verses of his letters. He considered them brethren and extended grace and peace.
I’m off to pack for Wild Deadwood Reads, where I’ll greet friends and maybe make new ones. Book signings, especially one of this size, are wonderful ways to connect and reconnect. Friends, for such a time as this.