I know I wrote stories as a child. None survived the little farmhouse with five rowdy brothers. But I do have in my handwriting, on lined paper, what I penned for confirmation in the Lutheran church at Neligh, Nebraska. My first testimony, if you will. I had a few “lost” years as I was finding my way back into the arms of the Lord. So thankful He woke me up. I asked for and received forgiveness. He entered my life April 20, 1976.
Now for my blog post for this May 2019…
What Jesus Means to Me
by LoRee Mosel, age 13
May 26, 1962
Jesus to me is many things, including True God, True Man, Savior, and Redeemer.
By being True God he rose from the dead and over powered the devil, being sinless like God.
In being True Man he lived under the law and was able to die in our place, forgiving our sins.
As a Savior he saved us from sins by dying on the cross for all.
And as a Redeemer He has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, from sins and from the power of the devil.
In Christ’s state of humiliation he let himself willingly be crucified, as a weak man, for our sins.
Then in his state of exaltation he rose from the dead and went to heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God the Father.
When God sent forth his son, Christ Jesus, he was made of a woman, and made under the law, to redeem them that are under the law, us, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
The law of God states the fact that we need Christ, for we are helpless, and need our dear Savior very badly.
From the resurrection of Christ we can be certain that we will receive eternal life.
Much more can be said on “what Jesus means to me,” but I can’t put it into words, for I love my Christ Jesus very much.